For every adult fisherman, casting and reeling on a Saturday afternoon is more than just a way to pass time, it is a passion. And with any sport or hobby you have a passion for, you want to share your interest with your kids. However, fishing is the type of sport that requires commitment and concentration, which just isn’t a strong point in any child.

If you are interested in introducing your children to the art of fishing, you are going to need more than just the best fishing reels and fishing rods and some spinners. Think about the days of old, when as a child you were all too excited to pack up and go fishing. The anticipation of landing a trophy fish was all you could think about on the drive to the fishing spot. You were taught how to bait the hook, and probably fumbled through a few really bad casts before hitting your target. After sitting there and catching nothing for awhile, you learned about patience.

And patience is what you will need when teaching your kids how to fish.

Whether it was untangling your fishing line after a particularly bad cast or waiting with anticipation for that bobber to go down, you learned that fishing is really all about patience.

Whether you are a parent or a mentor, there are plenty of good reasons to teach children how to fish. Sure, a lot of the reasons are quite obvious, but there are also some not-so-obvious reasons. So keep these in mind next time you have an opportunity to teach a kid how to fish.


When you teach your children how to fish, you are getting them to put down their smartphones and use their hand and fingers to do something other than text. Computers, tablets and smartphones have become a huge part of our daily lives, and that is fine to a point. It is still important that kids are taught it is OK to take a break from technology. Teach them the benefits of spending time outdoors by helping them appreciate what nature has to offer. After all, a babbling brook and picturesque backdrop on your fishing trip are a whole lot more real and beautiful than anything your kids will find on a computer screen.


Fishing encourages empowerment and confidence. Remember when, as a kid, you finally figured out how to cast out and hit the exact spot you wanted, you felt a feeling of accomplishment and pride. This is what fishing does, it creates positive feelings and vivid memories of your adventures. These wonderful feelings are revisited each time you mastered a new fishing skill or caught a nice fish. Every cast, every fish caught is yet another opportunity to gain even more confidence.

Love of Nature

One of the biggest threats to the fishing industry is the lack of teaching the next generation how to fish. Fishing is so much more than just a sport. While traditional sports like football and baseball are played on specialized fields, fishing is a sport that takes place smack-dab in the middle of nature.

When teaching your children how to fish, you need to also teach them about nature and conservation. You are exposing them to the beauty of nature and you want to teach them why it’s so important to respect nature.

Far too many kids aren’t getting enough fresh air and nature in their lives and this is because far too many children aren’t being taught how to fish.

Creating Memories

When your children grow up, they won’t have any fond memories of the video games they played or what the Easter Bunny left them when they were eight years old. But they will have very vivid and fond memories of fishing trips made with the family. And we are quite sure they will never forget that time they landed that 18-inch rainbow trout.

Fishing creates memories that really matter. If you want to create lasting memories and a legacy with loved ones, then take them with you on fishing trips.

On Schedule

During the summer, kids often stay up way too late playing video games and watching television, then sleep in until the day is half over. But kids who fish keep much different schedules. They are in bed at a decent hour and up early to ensure they spend as much of the day as possible engaging in their favorite sport.

When you teach your children to fish, you are teaching them about adult things like keeping a good schedule. You teach them that early to bed and early to rise is critical because early morning is a great time to catch fish. Well, truth be told, anytime is a great time to catch a fish.

It is important that you teach your kids how to fish, for them and for the sport.